Sustainability Policy
Last updated: 27January 2025
Global Dream Forum’s Sustainability Policy is focused on the world’s future, helping to coordinate our partners' activities, enabling all stakeholders to work towards the same objectives and meet the needs and aspirations of the world’s different communities.
Specifically GDF will:
Assist our partners by improving understanding of climate change, its potential impacts and how to prepare for and adapt to them.
Promote business efficiency by helping partners to adopt sustainable practices, reduce emissions and explore opportunities associated with environmental responsibility.
Support sustainable procurement and encourage our partners and suppliers to do the same, and build the capacity of local small business to become "sustainably fit to supply" us.
Enable sustainable business focusing on both positive social and financial outcomes.
Work towards a low carbon future to achieve reductions in energy use and greenhouse gases emission from our partners’ activities.
Adapt our policies and actions to prepare for the likely impacts of climate change.
Reduce, reuse and recycle waste and improve water efficiency as this scarce resource is depleted.
Pursue sustainable development principles in consultation with global multilateral organisations.
Increase awareness of everyone's role in making our urban areas and neighbourhoods clean and attractive places to live, work and visit.
Global Dream Forum will publish an updated Sustainability Policy every six months in consultation with its partners and impact communities.
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